Kris Cunningham
Kris Cunningham currently serves as the Mathematics Content Specialist for the Phoenix Union High School District in Phoenix, AZ. She has spent over two decades as an educator having taught at both the elementary and high school levels. With her deep passion for mathematics education, she currently works to advocate and provide support to district leadership and teachers across the state. She has also served as a board member for NCSM.

Laurel Cherry
Laurel Cherry has been working in math education for 23 years. She has served in a variety of roles as a teacher, department chair, She is currently a K-12 Math Specialist with the Arizona Department of Education. She spent 15 years as a high school math teacher in Arizona and Southern California. Laurel earned her Bachelor's degree from Chapman University and her Master of Arts in Education from National University. She has developed and presented professional development at NCTM nationally and regionally, AATM, CMC-South, as well as schools and districts all over the country. Laurel is passionate about working with teachers to share best practices for the math classroom to maximize student success and learning.

Amber Strang
Amber Strang
Amber Strang has been an educator in the Paradise Valley Unified School District since 2000, teaching high school mathematics and serving as a department chair. She currently supports middle and high school teachers as the district’s Secondary Math Curriculum Specialist. Amber holds a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Mathematics and a master’s degree in Educational Technology from Arizona State University, as well as a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. Being a native of Arizona, she is enthusiastic about contributing to the AML board and actively engaging in initiatives for positive change.

Kimberly May
Southern Region VP
Mrs. Kimberly May is a distinguished educator with 27 years of experience in this noble career. With her lifelong mission of teaching and learning, coaching and mentoring, she leads mathematics instruction as Florence Unified School District’s K-8 Math Curriculum & Technology Integration Specialist.
Her core values of authenticity, growth and excellence can be visibly seen and experienced locally, statewide, and nationwide as she engages with others as a professional learner, presenter and inspirational speaker. No matter the years behind her, she looks at every year as a new opportunity to learn in community with others towards a better person and teacher leader. Throughout her career in Indiana and Arizona, she has served in many capacities as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and district administrator. She believes in the importance of equitable teaching and mathematical practices in order for every leader, teacher, scholar and family to believe they can be doers, thinkers and contributors in mathematics. |

Suzi Mast
Central Region VP
Suzi Mast is a proud Arizona certified teacher and administrator for over 30 years. Suzi recently retired (for a hot second) from the Arizona Department of Education where she was the Director of K-12 Mathematics and Educational Technology for over nine years. Suzi has also been a middle school and high school teacher in Arizona, worked in the private sector in educational technology, and an administrator for a K-8 district leading math and science curriculum, instruction and assessment. Suzi specialists in Formative Assessment, MTSS and social and emotional learning in math with a focus on equity for all students. Suzi is also on the Board for AATM. Suzi is currently consulting and presenting in Arizona and on the national level.
Northern Region VP
Northern Region VP

Jeanette Scott
Jeanette Scott has been in education for 20 years. She has served as a high school and community college teacher and is currently CTE Math Integration Specialist for Phoenix Union High School District. She is serving as the Webmaster for AML and is active in several organizations, including AATM, TODOS, NCSM, and NCTM. In 2013, she was selected as Chicanos Por La Causa Esperanza Award winner, honoring Latino teachers who inspire students of all backgrounds, play an active role in the school, and demonstrate a true commitment to the community.

Tara Fulton
Awards/Nominations Chair
Tara Fulton
Awards/Nominations Chair
Tara Fulton currently serves as the K-8 Mathematics Coordinator for the Crane School District in Yuma, AZ. She has spent over two decades as an educator having taught at both the elementary and middle school levels. With her deep passion for mathematics education, she currently works to provide professional learning and support to district leadership and teachers across the state. She is the current Nominations and Awards Chair for Arizona Mathematics Leaders and the Western 1 Regional Director for NCSM: Leadership in Mathematics Education. She cares deeply about the learning and teaching of mathematics and has been able to proudly serve as a representative for math educators across the state.

Felissa Dixon
PD Co-Chair
Felissa Dixon has been working in math education for almost 20 years. She earned both her Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Master’s of Arts in Education from Colorado College. After teaching high school math in both Colorado and Arizona, she is currently an Instructional Coach at Tempe Union High School District. As an Instructional Coach, she works with teachers new to the profession to provide support, feedback, and teaching strategies to help both the teachers and students find success. Felissa is passionate about helping teachers create student-centered classes and provides professional development to help support this shift in teaching pedagogy.

Rachel Leatham
PD Co-Chair
Rachel Leatham currently serves as the 6-12 Mathematics Instructional Coach in the Higley Unified School District. With over a decade of experience in mathematics education, Rachel leads the math teachers in her district with knowledge and understanding. As an instructional coach, Rachel works with math teachers across her district to implement effective teaching practices that promote student learning. She also develops and facilitates professional learning for teachers. As an educator, Rachel is constantly looking for ways to grow and continually learn. Rachel has served on Arizona Department of Education committees for both curriculum and assessment to support Arizona students and educators.

Dr. Amy McCarthy
Communication Chair
Dr. Amy McCarthy has been an educator with the Chandler Unified School District since 2001. Before moving into administration, she has taught junior high and high school mathematics and served the district’s secondary math specialist. Amy is currently Assistant Principal at Casteel High School. In addition, she is faculty associate at Northern Arizona University and Arizona State University and a reviewer at EdReports. Amy jointed the AML board in 2019.

Jane Gaun
NCSM Representative Sponsor Chair
Jane Gaun currently serves as the K-12 Mathematics Coordinator for the Flagstaff Unified School District. She oversees the development and implementation of mathematics curriculum and instruction and also coordinates and instructs professional development activities for teachers and administrators designed to strengthen mathematics teaching and learning. Jane facilitates the newly formed Secondary to Post-Secondary Mathematics Collaborative between mathematics instructors from FUSD, Coconino Community College, and Northern Arizona University. She has worked for the Coconino County Educational Services Agency providing learning opportunities for teachers throughout Northern Arizona and is an active member of the Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics where she serves as the STEM Collaborative Representative.

Jennifer Flores
Membership Chair
Jennie is the Math Coach for Phoenix Union High School District and has been an instructional coach with a focus on mathematics since 2013. She has served on the AML Board since 2019 previously as the Professional Development Chair and as the Secretary. Jennie has also supported mathematics at the state level with both standards and assessment review committees.

Marisa Tualla
Social Media
Marisa Tualla is a K12 Math Specialist for the Arizona Department of Education. Previously she worked as a Math Instructional Specialist for the Washington Elementary School District working with curriculum, assessment, data, professional development, and classroom coaching. She has ten years of teaching experience in elementary, middle school, and high school in Arizona and overseas with the International Baccalaureate program. Marisa earned her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from University of Arizona, and master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Grand Canyon University. Marisa is passionate about math education and the belief that all students can learn.

Aric Bilas
Aric Bilas currently serves as the Staff Development Specialist for Phoenix Union High School District. In his previous role, Aric served as a district Technology Integration Educator after teaching high school math for 12 years. As a staff development specialist, Aric works with all Certified staff to plan and facilitate quality professional development to improve instruction and increase student achievement.